Bad luck. Or is it?
Almora, Uttaranchal, 31'110 km

The mood is bad for this entry. By the time I left Kathmandu, I was pretty keen to get back on the road and get some nice riding in the Himalayan hills of Uttaranchal and Himachal Pradesh. It turned out that instead of enjoying the spring in those valleys, I ended up stuck in the stifling heat of the pre-monsoon in a shit-hole of Uttaranchal's lower plains. My bike has failed on me again.

I freewheeled it back into the next town down the hill (which happened to be Kathgodam, last train station before the mountains), checked into the first hotel I found and pulled out my multimeter: sure enough, the freaking ignition coil had broke - again. Now I was a bit devastated because I had it replaced by a reinforced one after it had happen twice before, in Siberia and in India last November. There must be some other reason for it to fail, and if I don't find out why it could happen again anytime. I can't have spare parts sent over every couple months at considerable expense. It's just ridiculous.

But in the mean time, I had no choice but to order the new part. I didn't want to have it FedEx'd to this lousy town, so the logical choice was Delhi, just like I did 6 months ago. But I had to do a round trip to Delhi, 300 km away, and all the trains until the end of June are fully booked. And I remembered the hassle at the DHL bureau last time, so I tried to be smart: there's this Swiss woman, Cecilia, riding a BMW and gone trekking while I was in Kathmandu. She's supposed to follow me a few days later, just about time for the package to arrive, so I asked her if she would bring it to me. It said it was fine, so I rushed the package so that she wouldn't have to wait for it. Meanwhile I took a bus and went to the hills to escape the miserable conditions in Kathgodam: it's hot, humid, noisy and polluted, the hotel room is shabby and expensive. In fact, everything seems to be double he normal price, while there is absolutely nothing to do there.

Meanwhile Cecilia sent me a message that she got the package but she would be 2 days late, and then finally that she would leave Kathmandu 1 week later than I thought! So I end up being stranded 2 weeks in the North India plains in June, certainly the last place you want to be in. The worse is that there's nothing I can do and I just have to wait. I went back to Nainital just to find a bookstore where I could buy a couple books to spend the next few days (of all things, the Lord of the Rings that I wanted to read again anyway). Because of the heat, the conditions in the high valleys of Himachal Pardesh were I was heading were just perfect, but now the rain is coming and the monsoon is looming not far away.. just what I wanted to avoid. If at least I can fix my bike and keep going!

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